Thursday, 15 January 2009

Winter Walking

On Monday Lorenzo, Jamie and Guy headed into the mountains in search of snow and fine weather. As Guy has his Winter ML training coming up and Lorenzo has just completed his Summer ML, they decided to tick off a few Munroe's. They did a two day trip staying at Glenmore Bothy and ticked off Meall na Aighean, then up to Carn Mairg, across to Meall Garbh and finally to Carn Gorm. they descended via Glen Sassunn. Tuesdays weather was very cold, they experienced lots of hard packed snow ice on the tops as well as some layers of wind slab around. As there were quite high winds over night, there was quite a bit of riming present too.

Today Jamie headed out to the Cairngorms into Coire an t- Sneachda for a look but reported it to be quite mild so they didn't get on any routes. He was saying that there was ice around and a fair bit off white stuff, hoping its going to get colder over the next few days for conditions to improve.

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